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Movies in the Park Title Announcement Party
15 Sep 2015
5:30 PM - 8:00 PM
The Witches Den at The Ale and the Witch, 111 Second Ave NE
39 registrants
Party with Food Buffet & Priority Admission! – $10.00
Party without Food Buffet
Registration is closed
On Tuesday, September 15th, SPP will continue our popular tradition of a party announcing the movie titles and bands for October Movies in the Park and unveil the collectable poster by our favorite local artist,
Carrie Jadus
. We'll reveal the movies through fun trivia games, with prizes for the first correct guess.
The movie party is free but a $10 donation gets you a wrist band to enjoy a full hot and cold buffet food spread (and non-alcoholic drink), with proceeds going to SPP. All Florida beers on tap are just $4 downstairs at the Witch.
We expect a crowd and those who make the donation and enjoy the buffet have first priority for space, so you might want to make your donation now!
Doors to the Witches Den will open at 5pm, the buffet runs from 6-7:30 pm with the Movie announcements, trivia questions and awards, starting at 6:30 pm.
After the party, the fun continues in the courtyard with the Witch's Tuesday Music Series hosted by Jun Bustamante (8 -10pm).
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