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Saturday, March 7, 2020
Our "Original" downtown walking tour is a great way for visitors to get an introduction to St. Petersburg and for residents to learn a few things new about the 'Burg's past. Experience and see what makes downtown special as you take a stroll though a portion of the city's central business district and the Downtown National Register Historic District. Participants will see grand historic hotels, stately churches, and architectural treasures like the Snell Building & Arcade and the Open Air Post Office (above in historic post card image).
You might want to come early and take a stroll through the Saturday Morning Market, it opens at 9 am and its easy to purchase a bakery treat & coffee.
PTB members are free. Guests and non-members are $10/person.
Tour reservations are strongly recommended as space is limited to 30 people.
If a tour is full, walk-ups will not be accommodated.
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