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Creative Placemaking Bus Tour
04 May 2014
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Craftsman House Gallery, 2955 Central Ave., St. Petersburg, FL
A - Member fee – $10.00
For current SPP members.
B - Non-member fee – $20.00
For attendees that are not current members of SPP.
Note: To register an additional attendee, complete your own registration, and return to the registration form to add an additional attendee. The system will remember your registration and add the additional fees before payment.
Registration is closed
The bus tour will include stops at artists' studios, public art installations, and some of the new murals that have been popping up downtown. And of course we will show how preservation is working in the 'Burg! Reservations are required.
$10 for SPP Members, $20 for Non-members.
Note: To register an additional attendee, complete your own registration, and return to the registration form to add an additional attendee. The system will remember your registration and add the additional fees before payment.
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