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Eucllid School Porch Party
20 Jun 2014
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
The Historic Euclid School 1090 10th St. N St Petersburg, FL 33705
Non-member – $15.00
Price includes two drink tickets, food, band, and tour of the school.
SPP Member – $10.00
Price includes two drink tickets, food, band, and tour of the school.
Registration is closed
Don't miss this incredible opportunity to tour the historic Euclid School building in it's original state, before major renovations to convert it to condominiums. Show your appreciation to developers Sight Real Estate for preserving the school and for submitting an application to designate the school a local historic landmark. This is how preservation works best! Enjoy a few cool drinks, great food from the Banyan Cafe and music from a local band!
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